
9:00 am – 11:30 am

Enjoy getting to fellowship with others and learning more about God, knowing your children are in a safe and loving environment.
At Faith Presbyterian, we welcome children of all ages. This includes our nursery. Our trained attendant and volunteers take delight in caring for your children, ages birth through 3 years old. Care takes place during the Bible study and worship hours. A paging system is in place in case a parent is needed.

We look forward to meeting you and your children.

Multi-Age Ministry

Faith Kids

9:00 am – 10:00 am

The mission of Faith Presbyterian’s children’s ministry is to welcome all children into the church family and help them feel safe and cared for, as a reflection of God’s love as they grow in their faith.

Children are made in God’s image; there’s nothing they could do to make God love them less. We want them to know Christ and empower them to spread His love to the Baytown community and beyond.

Our multi-age Sunday school helps young learners, ages 3-11, engage Scripture through Bible stories, crafts, and games.

Adult volunteers lead the class from 9-10 am every Sunday.


Youth – 6th to 12th Grade

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Faith Youth Ministries is a for youth 6th -12th grades.  Currently, we offer a confirmation class for those in that age range seeking to grow their faith. Big God, Big Questions from the Presbyterian Church (USA) is the curriculum used which calls youth to make specific promises to God, ourselves and the church. 

There are special event opportunities offered throughout the year such as conferences, Presbytery of New Covenant Conclaves held at Camp Cho Yeh, and summer mission trips.  Sunday mornings, youth join Faith Kids to act as role models and leaders for younger children.   

Adult Sunday School

9:00 am – 10:00 am

At Faith Presbyterian, we understand that knowing about Jesus plays a vital role in truly knowing Jesus. On Sunday morning, we come together to worship Jesus, fellowship, and become better equipped in knowing and learning about God.

Three adult classes are offered to prepare participants to love and serve God. These include a Bible study class, the Lectionary study class, and Christian Spiritual Investigations (CSI). All take place from 9-10 am.

Presbyterian Confirmation

Confirmands are those who have been baptized either as a child and/or adult who answer the calling to make a personal and public profession of faith, accepting the love of God, the gift of salvation and declare to follow Jesus Christ as a faithful disciple in this covenant relationship, affirming to live out their faith as part of the church and to be Christ’s witness to the world.  They are to be instructed in the faith, examined by the session, received as active members, and presented to the congregation in public worship.