Worship Service
“I have always thought I had the best seat in the house… the choir loft. Looking out into the congregation I can see my church family gathering together for worship. Families and friends sitting together, all of us preparing ourselves for worship and as I watch the acolyte bringing the flame to light the candles on the communion table, I am reminded of– bringing the Light of Christ into our midst.
As the organist plays a gentle, soothing prelude, I become calm preparing myself to stay focused on the Word provided through scriptures, prayers, organ / piano music ranging from classical to jazz, to contemporary, hymns, the reflection, and communion. This hour of worship, uniting our time to glorify God together as a church family, is gratifying to me. The Children’s Moment captures the child in all of us, and the smiles from the pews are priceless.
The sanctuary filled with friends and families and the warmth of love surrounds me; my heart open to take in the day’s reflection and all that has transpired throughout the worship service heightens the worship experience… food for the soul. We sing our closing hymn and from the corner of my eyes I see a glimpse of the acolyte come to the Table of the Lord and from the candles remove the Light of Christ and walk down the aisle taking the Light of Christ out into the world.
We, the congregation, follow saying in unison these words—
Go out into the world in peace, have courage, hold onto to what is good; return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak and help the suffering. Honor all people. Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To me this is powerful. We are commissioned through our closing Charge to action—to hold fast to our beliefs, growing and strengthening our relationship with God as we leave this place of worship to share the light and love of Jesus Christ with others.
What are you looking for in a worship service?
Come. Open the doors. All are welcome.”
– Church member